Essence “Boys are back in town” + “It’s just a little crush”

Hey beauties!

Ever since I saw first pictures of the new Essence colour³ polishes I knew I needed them all. Essence really has brought to us some very nice and unique colours. They all consist of two colours, where one is a sheer top coat for the base colour on the other side.

Now I finally found a drugstore that already has the new product line of Essence and I bought all of these “twins”. I had a hard time picking the first colour combination to wear but then I went with the smoky dusty purple with the beautiful iridescent glass fleck top coat and I’m glad I did. The pictures can’t capture the shinyness and sparkle of this combo – it goes crazy in the sunlight! In the shade the duochrome glass flecks show all their beauty: they shift between pink, purple and blue.

For the pictures, I used two coats of the base colour and one coat of the top coat. The application was good, even though I had to get used to the bottle with two openings and having a very heavy brush because of the other nail polish side being stuck to it. It’s not a problem though.

Here is what I was able to capture from these nail polishes:

Essence Colour3 Boys are back in town

Essence Colour3 Boys are back in town

Essence Colour3 Boys are back in town + it's just a little crush

Essence Colour3 Boys are back in town + it's just a little crush

Are you going to get any of these twin-colours? I recommend you do 🙂 Stay tuned for more swatches of the other combos in the next days!

7 thoughts on “Essence “Boys are back in town” + “It’s just a little crush”

  1. Pingback: Essence “Midnight date” + “City that never sleeps” « From head to foot

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